Department Of Physics

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Departmental Overview

The department of physics has been established under the Faculty of Science in 2014. The Department offers different graduate and undergraduate degree programs in physics which are approved from Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan. These programs are designed primarily for the students who want to prepare the career path which takes advantage of the diverse and expanding opportunities in industries, strategic organization and universities. The designed curriculum for these programs provides a solid foundation in the concepts of physics as well as giving the students the experience and understanding of application of these concepts. The Department of Physics aims to produce physics graduates with sound knowledge of basic and applied physics. The graduates with ability and skills to understand and tackle the research problems in advanced areas of science and technology. The graduates from Physics department are equipped with the necessary skills and competence which is required in the major research and technical organizations like the NESCOM, NDC, PAEC, KRL etc. The Department focusses on the research-oriented education, collaborative research groups, seminars, workshops and international conferences that are why the produced physicists have well matched rationale to deal with fundamental constituents of the observable universe from macroscopic to sub-microscopic level. Our faculty uses state-of-the-art pedagogical methods and materials aided with well equipped labs and the latest inventory, thus preparing the students for independent research projects as well as their absorption in top-level organizations.

Currently, there are more than 700 students enrolled in the department. We believe in continuous efforts in education and innovation to build DOP into a training base for outstanding talents in physics and relevant scientific research and high-quality research-oriented teachers. DOP believes the expansion of the Department into School (School of Physics) is indispensable; to cater the growing intellectual needs of students and to advance the level of graduates. School of Physics intends to start the following departments: • Department of Physics (already established) • Department of Nanotechnology • Department of Computational Physics • Department of High Energy Physics.


The aim of the department is to produce the graduates having caliber, knowledge and skills which are needed for development of country. Department of physics aims to pursue excellence in physics through teaching and research. Physics, being the key fields of sciences, deals with the core concepts of physics as well as their application in different fields. It is a diversified field which gives birth to many other disciplines over the decades, such as Electronics, Material Sciences, and Engineering etc.


To acquire excellence in teaching and research in the field of Physics

Programs Offered

BS Physics

M.Phil Physics

Ph.D Physics

Chairperson Info

Mr. Abdul Qadoos

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

Why Study Here?

Reasons to study physics at university?

  1. Physics helps you to understand the world around you, and satisfy your curiosity.
  2. Studying physics develops your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  3. Physicists are versatile, which opens a wide range of future careers.
  4. Physics is a global enterprise and offers you the opportunity to work abroad, or in international research collaborations.
  5. Physics drives technology advancements, impacting society, the environment and the economy.
Scheme of Studies
Faculty Members

Scheme Study for our Programs

Program Name Scheme Study
BS Physics Details
M.Phil Physics Details
Ph.D Physics Details

No gallery At the Moment.

Physics Faculty Members

Mr. Abdul Qadoos


Dr. Muhammad Rashid

Associate Professor

HEC Approved PhD Supervisor
Dr. Zafar Wazir

Associate Professor

HEC Approved PhD Supervisor
Dr. Khalid Mehmood Ur Rehman

Assistant Professor

HEC Approved PhD Supervisor
Dr. Farooq Aziz



HEC Approved PhD Supervisor
Dr. Farooq Aziz



HEC Approved PhD Supervisor