Directorate Of Research, Innovation & Commercializaiton


Higher Education Commission (HEC) intends to develop and endure a dynamic and internationally competitive research sector in Pakistan that makes a major contribution to economic prosperity, national well-being and the expansion and dissemination of knowledge. Promotion of Research is one of the core strategic goals of the HEC. To follow this vision and on the directive of the HEC Office of Research, Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC) was initially established in Ghazi University in 2015. ORIC tries to promote teaching and research in emerging areas in Agriculture, Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages, Literature, Basic & Applied Sciences, and Engineering & Technology etc.

Business Incubation Center (BIC)

Business Incubation Center, Ghazi University is keen to promote innovation and entrepreneurship. For this purpose, ORIC, GU-DGK and PITB established a Regional Plan9 Center at Ghazi University city campus. The said initiative helps startups in sustainability and growth. The program also provide monthly stipend to selected startups. The center provides essential services that are required by early stage startups. It will offer the following services:

  1. Monthly Stipend for each team member
  2. Office Space
  3. Networking opportunities
  4. Mentorship
  5. Legal Assistance
  6. Business Development Assistance

Regional Plan9 will be holding its first flagship event ‘Launchpad’ to select the startups to be incubated. The selection will be done by a panel of esteemed judges, all of whom are experts in their field and play an integral part in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. In the light of above, you are hereby requested to kindly motivate students of your department/institute to apply for this program. Registration link:

Last Date: 30 Nov 2022

For any further details visit Physics Department first floor Regional Plan9, Business Incubation Center or contact use.
Mr. Muzamil Raza(Incubation Manager RP9)
Phone: 0301-7655848

Innovation and Commercialization

Innovation and commercialization are essential for technological development in an economy. The development of new products and technologies depends upon the volume of innovation and commercialization activities that have taken place at the organizational level. In this context, Ghazi University is also active in creative actions as per HEC ORIC Policy (2021) for strengthening IP & commercialization.

Following are the initiatives that ORIC at Ghazi university has taken under innovation and commercialization

  1. Intellectual property rights (IP) licensing, royalties, advocacy, and academic activities.
  2. Business configuration approaches with industry and community.
  3. Events planning for business or entrepreneurial stimulus, or community participation or awareness
  4. Agreements between Entrepreneurial Businesses and government
  5. National or international awards won


  • Dr. Sagheer Atta