Smog: Its Health Impacts

December 16, 2021 12:00 am
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Across many major cities, a hazy brown soup of pollution hangs over the skyline, it is smog. Smog, combination of harmful pollutants, is a specific air pollution. Over 5 decades ago, it was described as a mixture of smoke and fog, but now has a more specific definition and composition. The problem of smog creation during winter in common now a days and with the passage of time its severity is increasing tremendously. Smog is formed when industrial emissions from different sources, react with heat and sunlight in the atmosphere. With every passing year its harmful effects are more pronounced. It has much more effects both on humans and the environment. Nearly 40% of the Americans are living in unhealthy levels of smog. Pakistan is facing many challenges of environmental contamination. We being environmentalist need to contribute at our level. This awareness seminar will be first of its kind with respect to aware the local community about the harmful effects of smog on life and environment. The ways and means of avoiding the harmful effects of smog on humans will be discussed by the invited speakers. Participants of this event are expected to be scientist, environmentalist, policy makers, industrialists, and students. The speakers will share their experiences on sustainable environmental management, precautionary measures and innovative ideas against smog. In this regard, we are requesting you to grant permission for this activity. Details of the activity are as follows.


Event Date:
December 16, 2021
Event Time:
11:00 AM - 02:00 PM
Event Type:
Event Cost:


Booking Required:
Online Registration:
Multi-Purpose Hall, Ghazi university
Further Information:


Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences

Focal Person

Dr. Safdar Bashir