Conservational efforts on Biodiversity

March 29, 2022 12:00 am
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Conservation Biology is a mission-oriented science that focuses on how to protect and restore biodiversity, or protect the diversity of life on the Earth. Conservation is an ambitious attempt to integrate genetics, ecology and demography in order to manage biodiversity. The mission of conservation biology is to understand the causes and consequences of the modern crisis of extinction and degradation of biodiversity on the earth and then to apply scientific principles to prevent or repair the damages. Which can be largely done by conserving populations by protecting natural habitats. Conservation is the process of protecting biodiversity and managing an ecosystem to ensure its integrity and action to safeguard species and ecosystems, in their own right and as resources essential to humanity. It aims to protect individual species, the habitats in which they reside and maintaining the status quo of an environment. It focuses on all biological life within a biome and seeks to promote normal interactions.


Event Date:
March 29, 2022
Event Time:
12:30 PM - 03:00 PM
Event Type:
Event Cost:


ghazi university.
Further Information:


Department of Zoology

Focal Person

Dr. Khizar Sami ullah