Directorate of Students Affairs


The Directorate of Students’ Affairs is a bridge between administration and student community. This office has its target to offer diversified services, programs to support and encourage the students’ trough involvement in positive activities which will definitely play a vital role in student’s building. The Directorate of Students’ Affairs provides all necessary arrangements to students starting from first day to the last day at Campus. This Directorate also encourages and endorses positive activities among students. It provides them different clubs for the development of their literary and artistic capabilities. The activities of said forums are regulated and monitored through different teaching faculty under the supervision of Director Students’ Affairs. The purpose of such positive activities is to change their attitude and moral values ensuring a future nation with quality life.

It also provides a conducive environment to students during their academic session in the university. This office also holds the responsibility to maintain discipline and conduct in the university. The office of Director of Students’ Affairs is also involved to check political or unlawful activities of the students. This office also conveys the student’s problems to higher administration to facilitate the students.