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Statutes & Regulations, 2021 Relating to First Degree Courses

These Statues and Regulations may be cited as the “Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan, Statutes and Regulations, 2021” relating to First Degree Courses.

They shall come into force at once.


Admissions Policy - Undergraduate & Postgraduate programs

These Policies and Procedures shall be called the Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan Policies and Procedures for Admission to Undergraduate and Postgraduate degree programs.


Migration Policy - Other Institutions Of The City/Punjab Province.

The students who got admission to Ghazi University and desire to migrate to another institution within the Punjab Province may be allowed to migrate on the following terms and conditions:


Recruitment Policy & General Guidelines 2021

Posts shall be advertised as per criteria laid down in Service Statutes, in the National Press (at least Two National Dailies) and on website indicating prescribed qualification, experience etc.


Regulations For The Awards, Medals & Prizes

The scholarship shall be awarded to the youngest student when two or more students are competing for it on the basis of having obtained equal number of marks/CGPA.


Regulations for Stipends, Free, half free studentships etc.

These Regulations may be called “The Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan Institution of Stipends, Free and Half Free Studentships, Installment(s) of Fee and Fee Deferment Regulations,2021.


Students (discipline and conduct) Regulations, 2021.

A student on the rolls of the University who violates these Regulations shall be guilty of indiscipline and misconduct and is liable to disciplinary action against him/her under these Regulations.


University's Use of Library Regulations 2021

These Regulations may be cited as the” Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan, Use of Library Regulations” 2021.

These Regulations shall come into force with immediate effect.


Ghazi University's Academic Costumes

The Chancellor and the Pro-Chancellor may, at their option, wear academic costumes of velvet or silk.

Wearing of a cap with the gown shall be optional.


Ghazi University's Transport Rules-2021

The Transport Rules as its standard guide for acquiring, management, maintenance of the vehicles, to provide economical and appropriate modes of transportation.


Ghazi University's Semester Regulations 2019

Following are the guidelines, procedures, rules and regulations to be administered by all the Departments / Colleges / Institutes / Sub-campus, running Semester System.


Statutes & Regulations For PhD In Full And Partial Residence

The duration for PhD shall not be less than 06 & more than 14 semesters in full residence & not less than 08 and more than 16 semesters for the employees admitted as part time students.


Ghazi University's Hostel Regulations, 2021

These Regulations may be cited as “the Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan Hostel Regulations 2021”.

These Regulations shall come into force with immediate effect.


HEC Plagiarism Policy

According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, Plagiarism is defined as "taking and using the thoughts, writings, and inventions of another person as one's own".


Policy for Students with Disabilities

This policy aims to create an enabling environment for inclusive education in colleges and universities and facilitate the participation of students with disabilities.